About Me

Who am I?

About Me

Hi, I'm Andrew! I am a zealous programmer who codes a lot in my free time. I started coding seriously in 2020, so, I have gained some experience since then. So far, I have learned HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python.

My Coding Journey

Although I like to pinpoint the start of my coding journey at the end of 2020, that is not true. My coding journey really started around a couple of years before 2020, when my dad introduced me to Python. I learned the basics back then, and then I stopped coding. My newfound skill stayed dormant for a couple of years until the summer of 2020. Then, it was the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, and I was bored to death as I could not interact with my friends anymore, so I decided to pick up Python again. I started by making a simple calculator program that calculated things for you. Now that I look back at the source code, I feel an urge to laugh at how horrible and inefficient my code was back then. Anyways, by the end of that summer, I had grown very fond of Python, and there began my coding journey. A few weeks after that, I was scrolling through the forums of Art of Problem Solving (AoPS) when I saw people posting their “Blog CSS’s” I looked at their blog websites, and they looked quite cool. It was at that moment I decided to learn CSS. I started by going through the Khan Academy tutorials. There, I deviated a little and learned a bit of HTML. In the three months after that, I would code nonstop HTML-CSS programs. In December of the same year, I decided to learn JavaScript after seeing how powerful it was. Since then, coding has become my passion, and I have learned a lot of new libraries and tools since then. I am planning to continue building my coding skills and expand to new languages like C++.

My skills

What do I use?